"Page Setup/Print Setup" Dialog

This is a standard system dialog which is used to configure the printer page settings.

You can call the dialog from the File / Page Setup menu or by using the keyboard:

Ctrl + Shift + P Cmd + Shift + P


The Print Setup dialog in Windows:


The Printer section shows the current printer. You can change it or configure as necessary.

Name - allows to choose on of the installed printers from the list.
Properties - calls the printer setup dialog for the chosen printer.
Status - shows the current state of the printer.
Type - shows the type of the printer.
Where - shows where the printer is located.
Comment - contains additional comments.

The Paper section lets you configure paper parameters.

Size - allows to set the page size.
Source - specifies the paper source.

The Orientation section is used to set the printer page orientation:

Portrait - the page is taller than it's wide.
Landscape - the page is wider than it's tall.

Network - is used to configure network printers.

The Print Setup dialog in Mac OS X:

Settings - sets page attributes.
Format for - allows to choose the printer to adjust the page for.
Paper Size - sets the page size.
Orientation - sets the page orientation.
Scale - sets print scale.